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RFID Packaging & the Future of Folding Cartons
At a time when supply chain efficiency and product authentication are paramount, radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology has emerged as a game-changing solution for folding cartons.
RFID packaging empowers brands to closely manage and monitor their products in our highly interconnected world.
In fact, leading retailers, such as Walmart, have begun requiring brands to use RFID tagging in certain shopping categories, recognizing the value they bring. To meet your packaging needs, Oliver Inc. is at the forefront of this technological wave, offering innovative solutions for RFID implementation in secondary packaging.
Here's what you need to know about RFID packaging and the future of folding cartons.
What Is RFID Packaging?
In simple terms, RFID packaging uses wireless communication to identify, track, and manage inventory.
RFID packaging employs radio-frequency tags and readers to store and transmit data about packaged products. This is achieved by attaching small electronic devices to packaging materials, usually in the form of a label tag.
In the case of folding cartons, RFID tags are tipped onto the substrate, enabling streamlined tracking, reliable inventory management, and precise data collection.
These labels contain a tiny radio transponder, radio receiver, and transmitter. When triggered by an electromagnetic pulse from a nearby RFID reader device, the tag sends digital data (usually a unique identification number) back to the reader.
RFID tagging technology enables you to accomplish several things:
- Track inventory to anti-theft systems and trace products throughout the supply chain, from the manufacturer to the retailer to the consumer.
- Improve inventory management and reduce out-of-stock situations by providing real-time data on product availability and location.
- Enhance product quality and safety by monitoring storage conditions, shelf life, expiration dates, and recall information of the products.
- Provide additional information to your consumers, such as product origin, ingredients, nutrition, recipes, and recycling instructions.
While RFID packaging promises many benefits for both brands and their consumers, it’s not without some lingering challenges. RFID tags and readers can be cost-prohibitive for smaller enterprises or low-value products. Plus, compatibility between separate RFID systems and standards varies, making it potentially difficult to exchange data between different parties.
However, the average cost of RFID tags has decreased by roughly 80 percent, RFID reader accuracy has doubled and range quintupled, and the price of RFID readers has fallen by almost 50 percent in the past decade, according to global management consulting firm McKinsey.
In short, it’s becoming more available and affordable throughout nearly every industry.
RFID packaging is an evolving technology, and both its costs and compatibility readings are expected to continue rapidly improving. Brands eager to have more control over their products can look forward to a day when RFID tagging is ubiquitous in folding cartons.
Benefits of RFID Package Tracking
RFID package tracking opens new possibilities for managing inventory and brings huge benefits to your products in our increasingly connected world.
Accuracy. As markets move faster, you need precision to keep up with competitors. Since RFID tags store more data than barcodes or labels and can be read without direct line of sight or human intervention, they reduce the errors and inefficiencies caused by manual data entry or scanning.
Efficiency. Because RFID tags can be read simultaneously and at a faster rate than barcodes or labels, inventory counts can be done more quickly and frequently. This means your product is likely to spend more time on retail shelves, and less time being ignored in crowded warehouses. RFID tagging also reduces the labor and time costs associated with inventory management.
Visibility. RFID tagging provides real-time data on the location, status, and condition of your products, which enables better inventory control and optimization. This makes life much easier for retailers, as well, meaning they’re more likely to stock your product. Plus, you can be certain your items are always available for consumers and are of the highest quality.
With these benefits, it’s easy to see why more and more industries are making RFID packaging the default.
Walmart RFID Tagging Mandate
Major retailers, in particular, are recognizing the importance of RFID technology.
In fact, giants like Walmart are leading the integration of RFID with packaging. The multi-national retailer now requires brands to incorporate RFID tags in specific categories, including home goods, sporting goods, electronics, and toys.
And more retailers are following suit. Target, Nordstroms, and Macy’s are just a few national brands that have integrated RFID tagging.
By embracing this shift toward more intelligent and connected packaging, retailers hope to enhance efficiency and accuracy while promoting agility and sustainability. RFID packaging helps you achieve these goals as you partner with retailers to more effectively distribute your products.
Inline Tip-On Tagging for Folding Cartons
If your industry relies on folding cartons for packaging, then you ought to consider tip-on capabilities for RFID tagging.
Enter Oliver Inc.
As an experienced packaging and printing partner, we have harnessed RFID technology to offer groundbreaking solutions designed specifically for folding cartons. With inline tip-on capabilities on our glue lines, applying RFID labels to folding cartons has never been more effortless. This process ensures a seamless integration of RFID tags, guaranteeing a perfect alignment and adhesion without compromising the integrity of your packaging.
Our approach mirrors Oliver's commitment to innovation, eco-friendliness, and customer-centricity. By making the implementation of RFID in folding cartons a breeze, we not only help you meet retailers' requirements but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsive supply chain.
Oliver Inc. continues to pave the way in the packaging sector with our cutting-edge RFID solutions for folding cartons. Our inline tip-on capabilities reflect our ongoing pursuit of excellence, aligning with industry trends and the specific needs of our customers. Contact us today to learn more about RFID package tracking.