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Finding Packaging for Your CBD Products
An emerging industry requires a different approach to packaging. That’s true of the market for CBD products. CBD products serve a variety of purposes. They can be found in offerings like lip balms and lotions, topical pain-relieving creams, dietary supplements, dog treats, and more. The products also come in different forms, but they all have something in common beyond their featured ingredient: CBD is growing in popularity at a tremendous rate. Sales of CBD products are estimated to reach $16.8 billion by 2025.
Currently, the consumer base skews younger (one report found millennials make up 56% of daily or as-needed CBD users), although it’s becoming more widespread across generations. No matter the product, the packaging plays a role in delivering a message in branding, design, and sustainability considerations that appeals to the users’ sensibilities. Here’s what you need to know.
Branding & Decorative Effects
It’s fair to say that consumers today are in their own age of discovery. They relish opportunities to find new products, not just to improve their own well-being (or experiment with different options) but also to gain the satisfaction of being in the know before brands go mainstream. They show off their purchases on social media and, if the products work as intended, claim the brand as their own.
For companies that use CBD in their products, this is an important element to consider. Your packaging should speak to these younger customers in a unique way. That means utilizing eye-catching decorative effects that grab attention and signal yours is a premium, high-quality brand.
For one, CBD should be displayed somewhat prominently on either the label or folding cartons (depending on the product). Customers are actively seeking out this specific ingredient, so catch their attention.
Beyond that somewhat obvious detail, you need to strike a balance between being eye-catching and understated, alternative but legitimate. You can do this with, for example, bold branding (metallic inks, embossing or debossing) against a special finish, such as matte or soft touch. Some brands have found success in opting for more natural looks to match the ingredients of their products.
No matter what you choose, keep in mind that curious minds are wary over being oversold. Sometimes a few effects done right conveys more authority than elaborate graphic designs.
With CBD products running the gamut and serving multiple purposes, you can bet there’s no one-size-fits-all nature to the packaging. Its physical design should match the innovation of the product itself. This could include clever folds or openings, but also optimizing the materials used to convey sleekness, maximize shelf presence, and reduce waste.
In a similar vein, companies have chosen alternative materials to coincide with the natural component of their products. Tree-free paperboard options, such as sugar cane board, can be used effectively in packaging to promote a sustainable message. If necessary, they also retain a natural look and feel.
There’s also a safety component to design. Consumable CBD products should include child-proofing measures. When all of these combine, you gain packaging that protects your product and ensures it appears to consumers as intended.
Choosing a Packaging Partner
For all the considerations that go into packaging for your CBD products, one decision can lead you to success: Choosing a packaging partner that delivers the right solution for you.
In an emerging industry, experience matters. Work with a company that understands the intricacies specific to your products. In addition to CBD packaging expertise, well-established companies have innovated on the fly to stay up to date with current and emerging trends (of which CBD certainly qualifies).
Another consideration when deciding on a packaging partner is sustainability. Just as you might opt for a tree-free or recycled packaging solution for your CBD products, you’d want to also work with a company that practices green initiatives. This includes sourcing from responsibly managed forests, promoting and relying on green energy, and optimizing their processes to reduce waste.
Finally, there’s the customer service and communication factor. No two products are alike, and the wide range of those in the CBD industry require special attention. Your partner should talk you through your packaging goals and offer innovative, cost-effective solutions to help you meet them.
All of these details matter in legitimizing your brand and promoting sales in this growing, competitive industry.
Oliver offers a wide array of packaging solutions for CBD companies including tincture cartons, capsule boxes, and custom solutions. Contact us today.